
We protect your rights!

Restructuring & Insolvency Law

When it comes to advising you on insolvency and commercial law, our law firm is your competent partner. We will find solutions for all aspects of reorganization and restructuring. We support companies of all sizes with pre-insolvency restructuring and reorganization advice or support in insolvency proceedings. We react quickly to and create sustainable solutions. Our advice primarily serves to protect management and shareholders.


Contract Law

Contract law regulates all business relationships between two or more companies or between companies and consumers or among consumers. Our law firm provides you with excellent legal advice in any situation, which will assist you individually and professionally at the highest level with guidance and actions. We particularly focus on achieving legal certainty for our clients and enforcing existing claims. The economic solution is just as important to us as the legal one.


Commercial & Corporate Law

Companies have to make decisions of enormous economic importance in the shortest possible time. For us, it goes without saying that we always and immediately support our clients and advise them in their decision-making processes in a practical and legally well-founded manner.


Employment Law

Our law firm offers you, as an entrepreneur or employee, comprehensive representation in the field of labor law. We provide aid starting with the establishment of employment relationships through to their termination. We are at your side in all areas of employment law, particularly in preparing employment and termination agreements, terminations and the assertion of claims about the employment relationship.


Rent & Lease Law

Commercial tenancy and lease law differs significantly from private tenancy law. The statutory tenant protection regulations do not apply and you have extensive contractual design options at your disposal. We advise and represent you in this context tailored to the needs of your company and accompany you throughout the entire the rental/lease relationship.


Criminal & Criminal Tax Law

In the event of a police summons or arrest, it is important to know your rights from the beginning. At the first sign of a criminal investigation, a strategically sophisticated and well-founded defense is required. In this area of ​​law, too, we are at your side with many years of experience in order to avoid significant disadvantages.